

Show 6 of 6 tracks found

Gloomy fear

Atonal music, melodic lines creating an ethereal, abstract sound and timbres and a very poorly defined rhtym makes the music piece static and incorporeal.


Perfect for describing mysterious, motionless environments and suspense scenes

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Static environment and almost still sound, created by the Pads pedal and sound effects. Atonal harmonies, without music themes, neither changes of melodies or dynamics.


describing cold environment and places with few or any movement.

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Static harmonies, almost non-rhythmical, atonal music.The use of the Pads create an ethereal sound, almost unreal.


Describing the abyss of the ocean , places and landscapes with very few movement, where pace of life goes slow.

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Attentato di Genova del 17/6/1996
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Piccolo ringraziamento
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Valigia verde
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