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Tema evocativo e cupo dei Contrabbassi. Sound tetro ed oscuro con pedale continuo dei bassi, brevi frasi arpeggiate del Pianoforte e dissonanze dei Synths.
Ambienti desolanti, brulli e inospitali. Scene drammatiche e di disagio.
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Il tema del Violino e il contrappunto del Cello molto tristi e malinconici. Scelte armoniche, ritmiche e di arrangiamento finalizzate a creare un atmosfera mesta e drammatica.
Scene di tristezza, malcontento e infelicità. Stati d’animo di malumore, insofferenza e insoddisfazione.
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Anxious sound, harmonies and rhytrhms almost obsessive. The harmonic theme, willingly written in a little incisive way, is performed by the Soprano and by the Epic Choir, leaving the ostinato rhythm to the electronic effects.
Apocalypse scenarios, natural catastrophes, wars and destruction; unfriendly and hostile circustamces; Human dramas.
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Tipical melodies and rhythms from the Middle East; the evocative theme is performed by a vocalize of a Middle Eastern Voice and by the ostinato of the Pad’s arpeggio and Distortion Guitar; all these elements create a dramatic and suspenseful atmosphere.
Middle East war scenes and life experiences.
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Static harmonies and a String Bass continuo, with dissonance and short, suffered melodic phrases, that create a dramatic atmosphere.
Hearthbreaking scenes; stories of slaughters, genocide or massacres, as well as natural disasters and tragedies.
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The evocative musical phrase of the Horn creates an epic and heroic atmosphere; the dramatic sound is sustained by the crescendo of the Choir and the Percussions, the dissonsnces of the Strings and the harmonies of the Brass.
Describing epic scenarios and dramatic scenes; heroic actions or tragic situations.
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Percussion, instruments, melodies and rhythms characteristic of Anatolia.
describing the places, landscapes and panoramas of Anatolia.
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The steady harmony, the beating groove of the Bass Drum, the Effect and the dissonance of the Church Organ, all recreating scenes of tension ,war and danger.
Flts natural catastrophies or war dramatic events, as well as situations of extreme dander.
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Ostinati, arpeggiators, repetitive beat and frenetic rhythm create a tense, anguished sound.
Fear and panic. Disturbing, dramatic atmospheres.
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